EUCALIVA presented at BBI InfoDay in Madrid

August 7, 2018

On April 26th EUCALIVA project was presented as a success story in the BBI call.

On this event, organized by CDTI Spain, EUCALIVA project was explained in a general way, emphasizing certain aspects of the presentation of the proposal. EUCALIVA was invited as a success case of a project successfully selected to be funded by the BBI.

During the event, the Annual Work Plan 2018 (AWP 2018), which has a budget of 115 million euros, was presented.

The morning session provided detailed information on this initiative and on all aspects of the 2018 call. During the afternoon, there was a Brokerage event. Bilateral meetings could be scheduled through the BBI JU Partnering Platform. Also, throughout the day, members of the BBI Program Office were available to answer questions about the process and procedures of the solicitation.